With ample fishing room for all, several bears gather on rock slabs and gravel bars in the McNeil River, Alaska. Gulls gather In force to pluck scattered morsels and discarded skins. Bears tolerate the birds, until they become bothersome, then growl and lunge, temporarily scattering them. sites where the fossilized bones of cave bears accumulated were Drachenloch in Swit- zerland and Drachenfels in Germany—the so-called Dragons’ Caves. The skulls, sub- stantially larger than those of present-day European bears and characterized by a steeply sloping forehead, gave rise to the dragon legends. It was at Drachenfels that Siegfried was supposed to have slain his dragon. In the mid-19th century, Richard Wagner, after studying Norse myths and the German Siegfried legend, wrote the poems and musical dramas that coalesced into Der Ring des Nibelungen. Thus did bears fur- nish—however indirectly—part of the inspi- ration for Wagnerian opera. URSINE EVOLUTION AND MODERN SPECIES From the somewhat incomplete fossil record, paleontologists believe that the ancestors of modern bears began to evolve early in the Oligocene epoch, some 30 to 40 million years ago, as one of several groups of small animals branching from carnivo- rous tree climbers called miacids. From this same primeval stock are descended a second

Every bear seems to develop its own fishing style, probably based on initial successes. Most face downstream or across-stream to intercept fish swimming upstream, but this Alaskan brown succeeds by “tailing” them.


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