tree growth. Most lions live in grassy plains, savannas, open woodlands, and among thorny scrub trees. Historically, as their habitats have lost these characteristics, either through natu- ral change or human intervention, the lion has departed or been driven out. The lion’s departure from Europe in prehis- toric times was most likely the result of the massive spreading of forests throughout the continent, making the area uninhabitable for these cats. In other parts of the world, the growth of human settlements and agriculture changed the nature of wild plains and grass- lands, gradually driving the lion from its ranges in India, the Middle East, and northern Africa. Today, except for a small population of animals in India’s Gir Forest, the once vast range of the lion has been reduced to Central Africa, chiefly in the game parks and reserves of Kenya and Tanzania. Built to Kill Among the big cats, the lion is second only to the tiger in size. The average male lion’s weight ranges from 350 to 400 pounds (157–180 kilo- grams), though some individuals may be as

Vultures are quick to find a lion’s kill and move in to steal as much of it as they can. Here, a young lion leaps through the air to disperse the flock of thieves.

heavy as 500 pounds (225 kilograms). Females are smaller and can weigh considerably less than males. The normal length of the male is 9 feet (2.7 meters), while the female is usually about 8 feet (2.4 meters) long. The lion’s body completely suits the needs of a predator. When hunting, the great strength of its shoulders and forelegs is employed with full force, as it quickly runs from cover and leaps through the air to secure a stranglehold on the neck of a large animal. At this point, the large, powerful jaws come into play to

Once a creature has been killed, the lion may drag the carcass to a safe, secluded spot where it can feed without the interruptions of scavengers or other predators.

Lions are swift and efficient killers. They either strangle their victims by an attack on the throat or suffocate them by covering the mouth and nostrils.


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