Wolves can keep up this pace for hours on end and have been known to cover 60 miles (96 kilometers) in a single night. They have been clocked at speeds of over 40 miles (64 kilometers) per hour for a distance of sev- eral miles. General Appearance Once a year, a wolf sheds its coat. The long winter hair sloughs off in patches in

the late spring. The new hair that forms the short summer coat continues to grow just enough to gradually form the long winter coat. Although most of the wolves have basically grey coats, hence the common name, the coats usually have a lot of base yellow interspersed between the salt-and-pepper, grey and black hairs. Wolves anywhere can have coats that grade from almost pure white to jet black,

This wolf has on its magnificent winter coat. Wolves shed their winter coats in late spring, and their new coats continue to grow and lengthen throughout the summer and autumn.


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