p A merrymaker embraces the spirit of Carnival in a parade at the Barranquilla Carnival in Colombia.

Lupercus; in return the god was expected to protect the flocks for the coming year. During the feast of Lupercalia, offerings were also made to Juno, the Roman goddess of women and marriage. After the sacrifices the priests would run around waving strips of goatskin and strike anyone who got in their way, especially women. Many women wanted to be struck with the goatskin because it was thought to bring fertility. Although the precise origin of Lupercalia is unknown, the fact that it took place on the Palatine Hill suggests it dates back to the early days of Rome, when the cultural life of the city revolved around that site. (Palatine Hill is the centermost of the seven hills of ancient Rome where the homes of the emperors were located.) Whatever its origin, the holiday attained such popularity that it was celebrated from ancient times until 494 c.e., when it was incorporated into Christianity.

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