■ Origins of Easter Eostre, the Mother Goddess
The English name for this celebration, Easter , takes its name from the pagan deity Eostre, the mother goddess of the Saxon tribes of northern Europe. Eostre was also the goddess of fertility. She was believed to be in charge of conception and birth, as well as pollination, flowering, and the ripening of fruit. After the harsh dreary winters of northern Europe, Eostre brought the warmth of spring, fertility, and abundance. The ancient deities in all civilizations had patron animals, and the rabbit, a symbol of fertility, is the companion animal of Eostre. In one legend, Eostre transformed a bird into a rabbit—but the rabbit kept the ability to lay eggs. Eostre’s feast day occurred on the first full Moon following the spring equinox. Celebrants would combine prayers of thanks and make small offerings over fires.
p Easter bunnies on display in a store window in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Easter, Passover & Festivals of Hope
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