Origins and Observations of Lent L ent refers to the 40 days that precede the Christian holiday of Easter. The 40 days symbolize the amount of time Jesus is believed to have retreated to the desert to prepare for his crucifixion and face the temptations of Satan. He overcame these temptations by reciting scripture, praying, and fasting. (Fasting is when someone goes without food, goes without certain foods, or eats very little.) Today, Christians practice these things in addition to giving alms, or gifts, to those in need during Lent. It is a time of sacrifice and reflection that aims to imitate the struggles and triumphs of Jesus’
words to understand
Abstain : To avoid doing something. Apostle : One chosen and trained by Jesus in the New Testament to preach the gospel, the biblical collection of religious writings that are the essential texts of Christianity. Crucifix : A cross, often with a representation of Jesus affixed to it. Fast day : A day on which people are supposed to eat a limited amount of food, typically one full meal.
t  Worshippers attend the traditional Orthodox Easter service in Russia. Easter marks the end of the 40 days of Lent.
Origins and Observations of Lent n
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