This octopus would make a good meal for a mako shark.

Mako sharks typically eat fatty animals without backbones such as squid and octopi, or bony fish such as tuna and mackerel. They are especially fond of swordfish. It’s important that mako sharks attack swordfish quickly to avoid getting injured by the pointy spike that makes up a swordfish’s nose. Many mako sharks are covered in scars from their fights with swordfish. While these fights between swordfish and mako sharks happen often, that does not stop the mako shark from going after its favorite food. They have also been known to attack animals such as sea birds, sea turtles, dolphins, porpoises, and seals, but this is not as common. Often, the incredible burst of speed required to hunt causes the shark to breach the water and soar into the air—up to 20 ft. (6 m) —with the prey still in its mouth! Mako sharks do not make these great displays on purpose; it’s likely that they are moving so fast while hunting that it’s impossible for them to stop once they hit the surface of the water. Since it’s likely for a mako to want


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