The blue-spotted stingray (also known as the bluespotted ribbontail ray) is found in the Indian Ocean, specifically off the coasts of Africa, Japan, and Australia. Blue-spotted stingrays are known for making their homes in coral reefs. Its bright blue spots make it instantly recognizable to snorkelers and divers. An encounter with the blue-spotted stingray is
Blue-spotted stingrays do not live long in captivity. They can only be found in the Indian Ocean.
a popular photo shoot opportunity for all humans who enter into its habitat. Many people have attempted to keep the blue-spotted stingray as a pet in private aquariums, due to its interesting appearance, but these animals are not capable of surviving for a long time in captivity. They often die quickly when removed from their natural habitat.
STEVE IRWIN’S STINGRAY ATTACK In 2006, stingrays were all over the news for a very sad reason. A popular wildlife expert, conservation enthusiast, and television host, Steve Irwin, was killed during a stingray dive. He was attacked by a
stingray off the coast of northeastern Australia. The stingray repeatedly stabbed Irwin in the chest with its stinger, creating hundreds of puncture wounds in mere seconds. This kind of attack had never been recorded before. Death from a stingray attack is extremely rare. Usually when stingrays attack, they cause harm, but the harm is not severe enough to cause permanent damage. Irwin died not due to the poison in the stingray’s tail barbs, but because the stingray’s tail actually pierced his heart. Irwin’s family continues to study wildlife and promote its conservation. SIDEBAR
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