Hardwood or Softwood?

Do you know that the terms softwood and hardwood don’t pertain to the softness or hardness of the wood on a tree? They actually refer to the leaves, seeds, and structure of the tree. Here’s a closer look at hardwood and softwood, and how to tell the difference. Hardwood is wood that comes from trees (known as deciduous trees) that typically lose their broad leaves in the fall. Examples include oak, birch, mahogany, teak, walnut, maple, and hickory. Because hardwood lasts longer and is more difficult to work with, it is more expensive. Softwood is wood that comes from trees (known as coniferous trees) that have triangular shapes and needle-like leaves that are either long and pointed or long and flat-scaled. They do not lose their needles in the fall, but will shed a few when new needles are ready. Examples include pine, cedars, firs, cypress, juniper, spruce, and redwoods. Softwood is easier to work with and less expensive, and is often used for doors and flooring in homes.

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