trash to explode and perhaps injure a person. A typical bullet also contains lead, which creates a toxic load for the environment, so it should not go to a landfill. Several options exist for old or damaged ammo disposal. In urban areas, contact the local police department and ask for assistance. A police officer may volunteer to assist in the disposal of the ammunition or give parents directions on how to get rid of it themselves. Another possibility involves dropping off the ammo at a waste facility that handles unsafe substances. They may agree to take the old ammo and dispose of it safely. Shooting ranges also offer safe options, such as conveniently located ammo disposal containers.

Scan here to see how wildlife is thriving because of guns and hunting.

TREAT A LOADED GUN WITH RESPECT Never play around with a gun. Don’t let friends or acquaintances handle a rifle out of curiosity or point a firearm at friends or family as a joke, even if the gun doesn’t contain bullets. When hunting with a rifle in the wild, make sure to only go out on hunts with parents or other responsible adults. Never take a firearm to school or a public place other than a shooting range. RESPECT GUNS


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