Before going into the wild on a hunting trip, make sure you carry protection from wild animals, insects, reptiles, and poisonous plants. Realize the potential dangers you can be facing. Wild animals can attack a hunter, such as packs of wild dogs,

bears, or even mountain lions. You should always avoid coming face to face with these animals if possible, but if confronted by a bear, for instance, you will need some strong pepper spray to get away and not be mauled. Pepper spray causes temporary physical pain for the aggressive animal, but it will allow you to escape unhurt, and the animal won’t be permanently harmed or killed. Stinging insects that make nests in trees, in old logs, or underground are another threat to the hunter. Sometimes all it takes is for you to step on an underground nest or brush past a tree limb, and the insects will rush out and attack you. The best plan if this happens is to run away. However, if the insects get into your clothes, you can be stung multiple times. If you crush a yellow jacket, it releases a chemical that signals the others to attack. So, you should quickly brush away a yellow jacket and do not crush them. Watch out for wasp nests in low hanging tree limbs, too. If you are allergic to any stinging insect, such a honey bee or yellow jacket, you should always carry doctor prescribed medication in your first aid kit. Tell a parent or hunting companion that you have been stung and take your medicine. You should return to camp or home immediately.


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