A pair of large scissors is useful for cutting away the tough membrane. Use a small saw for cutting through bone. You will need a roll of paper towels for this task and an assortment of plastic bags for the different cuts of meat, such as roasts, spare ribs, tenderloins, and even the heart and liver if you desire. Use a black permanent marker to label the bags. Be careful not to smear the ink until it dries. Be sure to have some salt on hand as a rub for the meat to aid in preservation. A big plastic bucket makes it easier to carry the packages of meat out of the field. It’s essential to field dress an animal as quickly as possible after shooting it. Removing the body organs such as the bladder and intestines keeps the meat from acquiring a bad taste.
Young hunters should not field dress any animal without adult help and supervision. Large animals can be very heavy and awkward to handle alone, plus you will be using very sharp knives and scissors to cut away the hide, connective tissue, and the internal organs.
When gutting and skinning a deer or other animal, be very careful with sharp knives, scissors, or saws. You don’t want to risk getting a deep cut while out in the wild, perhaps miles from a medical facility. Just take your time and don’t get in a hurry. Be sure to have an adult to assist you and guide you through the process. If this is your first time field dressing an animal, do more watching of the process than participating and be sure to ask a lot of questions! Be sure you carry a first aid kit, equipped with plenty of clean bandage material and surgical tape, not just small adhesive bandages for small cuts or abrasions. Include anti-bacterial ointment and a tourniquet kit as well, just to be safe. You should also be careful when hanging up a large animal carcass for field dressing or any other location. You don’t want to strain muscles or sustain an injury by trying to lift a weight that is too heavy for your body to handle. Always ask an adult, or several adults to help, if necessary.
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