SQUIRRELS ARE NOISY AND CURIOUS The rabbit is a silent animal, rarely making sounds, but the squirrel is quite lively and known for the chattering sounds it makes. You can hear a squirrel, even if you can’t see it, high in the branches of a tall tree in its natural habitat. Squirrels are inquisitive creatures. If you frighten one and it runs up a tree, the squirrel will probably stop halfway and then turn and watch what you are doing. Some squirrels, especially the ones that live near people, lose their fearfulness of humans. They will allow a person to get close to them and not run away. If you do something a squirrel doesn’t like, such as making a loud noise, they chatter loudly as if they are scolding you for disturbing them. SQUIRRELS IN THE WILD If you are looking for an area in the wild to hunt squirrels, scout around for the chewed-up shells of nuts, acorns, or seeds on the ground under the canopy of trees. Squirrels are messy eaters and throw bits of gnawed material all over the place.

Squirrels are messy eaters and will leave chewed up shells behind.


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