New Guinea’s Huli Wigmen, Central Africa’s Aka people (also known as the Mbenga), and the Penan people of the Sarawak state in Borneo. We will also mention some of the other jungle tribes existing in our world today along the way. Some of these tribes have had limited contact with the rest of the world, and one of these groups of people can still be referred to as one of the estimated one hundred uncontacted tribes. Uncontacted tribes may have chosen to live in voluntary isolation for a number of reasons, although many governments and corporations do not want to respect these tribes’ right to self-determination. Themodern world holds many dangers and threats for these tribes. Have they lost their homes because of deforestation or mining practices nearby? Have they suffered from coming into contact with modern diseases? Have they lost their unique culture because of assimilation or contact with the mainstream world? These are some of the challenges for these people who have been forced to face the harsh realities of a changing planet.
Introduction 9
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