You Bought It, Do What You Want With It For some people, deciding which car to buy is only the first step in owning an automobile. Since the early days of Model As and Ts a unique culture has flourished among owners who seek added speed and style, creating stand-out vehicles that make personal statements. Why should a production model stock car have to stay just a bland stock car? Once it’s bought and paid for, the owner may do what he or she likes. And many owners do just that! The statements that owners make come in two varieties. First are the owners who announce their arrival with neon lights,
aftermarket a secondary market available after sales in the original market are finished chassis a frame upon which the main parts of an automobile are built horseless carriage the original phrase used to describe what would become known as the automobile Model As and Ts the most famous early Ford model cars
Car customization has existed since the early days of the Ford Model T.
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