Scan here to learn more about the city-states of Renaissance Italy:
At the time of Leonardo’s birth, the ruler of Florence was Cosimo de’ Medici. He was one of the richest men in Europe, having made his money from the wool trade and banking. Cosimo ruled Florence from 1434 until 1464. During these years there was a steady inflow of immigrants from Constantinople (now called Istanbul), due to fighting between Christians and Muslims there. These refugees spoke Greek and brought with them many precious Greek manuscripts. Cosimo established a school under a learned scholar named Marsilio Ficino, who was an authority on the Greek philosopher Plato. Cosimo’s policies were carried on by his son Piero, who ruled from 1464 until 1469, and then by his grandson, Lorenzo, who ruled until 1492. Lorenzo de’ Medici was such a successful ruler that he came to be called Il Magnifico (“the Magnificent”). Early Years Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452, in the country village of Vinci. Vinci lies high up on Mount Albano, which stands in the valley of the River Arno, near the Italian city of Florence. Looking west from the village, he would have seen the Mediterranean Sea. Leonardo was illegitimate. His mother was a peasant girl named Caterina. His father, Ser Piero da Vinci, the son of a Florentine lawyer, was quickly persuaded to marry into a good family. His mother was married off
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