Educational Video
For a short video explaining the origins of absolute monarchy, scan here:
est child is first in line to the throne. In the past, patrilineal pri- mogeniture was the rule in most countries with monarchies. This meant only sons could ascend to the throne. The right to rule is sometimes based on proximity of blood, or closeness in degree of kinship. In such cases a younger brother or nephew succeeds the king. When a succession of rulers of a kingdom or nation are related to or are members of the same family, they are considered part of a dynasty. Rules of succession were designed to ensure continuity of leadership and government stability. When a monarch died, everyone knew who would lead next. This prevented potential- ly violent struggles for power. In England, acceptance of the rules of succession was expressed by the statement “The King is dead. Long live the King!” Monarchy evolved in human history as states became larg- er and more complex. It allowed for strong, centralized govern- ment. History offers many examples of kings and queens who ruled effectively, bringing benefits to their societies. But there
Monarchy: Sovereignty of a King or Queen
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