them to show support for the British monarchy, an English institution that dates back more than a thousand years. William is a member of the Windsor dynasty . His grandpar- ents are Queen Elizabeth II— who currently sits on the British throne—and Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. His father, Charles,
Key Idea
A monarchy is a form of govern- ment in which a sovereign ruler, usually determined by hereditary succession and usually serving for life, is head of state. The powers of most monarchies today are limited by constitutions or parliaments.
the Prince of Wales, is first in line for the throne upon the death of the queen. William is second in line to the British throne. What Is a Monarchy? The titles of king and queen, prince and princess, duke and duchess, earl and countess are used in a form of government known as a monarchy. The word monarchy comes from the Greek language: monarkhia means “rule of one.” In a monar- chy, a sovereign serves as head of state, holding power until his or her death or abdication. The title of a male monarch may be king, emperor, shah, caliph, sultan, emir, or tsar, while the title of a female leader is usually queen or empress. Monarchs differ from other heads of state, such as presidents, because their position is typically unelected and held for life. Rules of succession determine who is to be the next king or queen. In many cases, succession is determined by primogeni- ture . This is a system of hereditary monarchy in which the eld-
Monarchy: Sovereignty of a King or Queen
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