What Is an Oligarchy? An oligarchy is a form of government in which a small privi- leged group rules or holds political power, typically for corrupt or selfish purposes. The term comes from the Greek words oligoi , meaning “a few,” and arkhein , “to rule.” Oligarchies may govern societies or organizations. Not all oligarchs are rich. Sometimes they are simply mem- bers of a privileged group that holds power. They may be born into royalty or an upper class. Or they may have family, corpo- rate, or military connections. In some cases, oligarchies consist of members of a particular ethnic group or race. But even if not rich, oligarchs have access to political and economic benefits that enable them to become wealthy. Social Class The ancient Greeks were the first to describe oligarchy as a form of government. For the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BCE –322 BCE ), the crucial elements distinguishing different
forms of government were how many people held power (one, a few, or many), and whether they ruled for the public good or for their own selfish purpos- es. Oligarchy, Aristotle said, was rule by a few for their own benefit. Aristotle also recognized the influence of social class on
Key Idea
Defined as “rule by a few,” oli- garchy is commonly viewed as rule by the extremely rich. Oligarchs may head governments or use their political power to shape public poli- cy for the benefit of themselves or their group.
Oligarchy: Power of the Wealthy Elite
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