Initiative, Grit & Perseverance
Initiative Starts with “I” Although Jared’s story may seem like a one- off, it’s not. Initiative is a key characteristic of great leadership. Stepping forward and leading by example can even empower others to do the same. Therefore, taking the initiative has the potential to create not just one leader, but many. According to researchers, a person takes initiative because they see a gap that needs filling or a problem that requires solving. They don’t sit around and twiddle their thumbs hoping that someone else will fix things. They use their knowledge and resources to make change happen. In Jared’s case, for instance, his club needed a director to make the play a success. Think of all the great movements in world history that inspired change. These movements were sparked by the inspired actions of a few. These men and women were those who noticed a gap in
Martin Luther King Jr. is most famous for his "I Have a Dream" speech, given in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.
understanding or a problem that needed resolving—Susan B. Anthony, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, even Christopher Columbus—all of them inspired others by being self-starters themselves. Although these movements may have eventually grown to include hundreds or thousands, they started with a brave “I.” Toughing It Out: Perseverance Perseverance is yet another trait of the good leader. Choose from any of the inspiring leaders above and consider their unique stories. Surely, they earned their place in history because they were courageous and committed to their causes.
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