Initiative, Grit & Perseverance
Had he not persisted in begging his sister to serve as director, the play may have never happened. Many important traits are needed to build character and become a great leader. Initiative and perseverance are perhaps the ones that are the simplest to master. They simply require taking action when no one else does, and staying committed to the goal over time despite obstacles or lack of support.
Building a good character should begin early. While academic work should take priority, it is crucial for students to take part in sports or join clubs and societies to help develop their personalities further.
Text-Dependent Questions 1. What necessary component is required for a leader to take initiative? 2. What qualities are important for those who persevere? 3. Why was it so difficult for Martin Luther King Jr. to fight for his cause? Research Project Pick a celebrity, politician, or famous person who had a tough start in life. Write a one-page biography on their life and describe what they had to do to become successful.
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