A great leader can be found in any area of life: A family, a group of friends, a team, a school, a business, a community, even an entire nation. But whether on a global scale or in one’s own backyard, the most effective leaders are alike in many ways. Leaders, for instance, are able to communicate effectively. They listen well and can express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas in a clear and honest way. People who are seen as leaders (no matter what their age or occupation , including students) are confident yet humble, they are hard workers, and are tactful and respectful even when dealing with difficult people or situations. Good leaders also inspire others through their example of generosity, kindness, and cooperation. They aren’t afraid to take action and make tough decisions, and they understand their own strengths and weaknesses as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the people around them. They can then use this awareness and insight to make good choices that will benefit the overall mission of the group (e.g., study group, team, club, etc.). Perhaps most importantly, a good leader is organized and able to problem-solve. Why Organizational Skills & Problem-Solving Skills Matter Organizational and problem-solving skills are important for any young teen to develop. Being organized,whether in action, thought, and space, helps a leader keep a clear mind and make accurate and timely decisions. Similarly, being a good problem-solver helps a person overcome temporary setbacks and achieve goals. The challenge, however, is that schools don’t always explicitly teach these skills. Of course, to be a good student, gain a good education, and eventually secure a good and fulfilling job, a young person needs to be organized and able to solve


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