Tolerance & Cooperation

Like intellectual intelligence, tolerance and cooperation can be developed over time. This is important, because it means that, while some people certainly have a natural penchant to lead, leaders are not just born. Anyone can develop the skills necessary to influence and manage other people successfully. Specifically, leaders of a given unit, business, or organization who routinely exhibit tolerance and cooperation can establish an environment of open- mindedness and teamwork, which benefits the group as a whole. Tolerant and cooperative leaders also stand to gain greater insight and more information from their teammates, associates, business rivals, customers, and anyone else they interact with on a regular basis. This can help them accumulate knowledge, gain a competitive edge within their given field, and innovate creatively. Lastly, tolerance and cooperation are essential traits of the good leader because they can help expand the leader’s circle of influence. The more people that a leader can positively inspire, influence, and empower, the greater his or her impact on their local and global community will be. What to Expect From This Book This book is intended to help students understand and cultivate necessary social and leadership skills that aren’t always explicitly discussed in the classroom. When combined with the more typical academic skills developed throughout a student’s school career, these traits have the potential to create the type of world leaders that future generations can truly depend on. Each chapter discusses critical topics and highlights real-world examples that can help teens and young adults understand how traits such as acceptance, cooperation, collaboration, responsibility, and honesty can be applied in a variety of ways to help them succeed. This success can be found not only in their future careers but also in other areas of life, including personal relationships and even mental well-being. First, students will be introduced to the concepts of tolerance and cooperation through the lens of politics, human rights, and other important global topics. They’ll learn about how the media has a heavy influence on these topics, and how they, as aspiring leaders, can appropriately make sense of all the information with fairness and understanding. Students will also see how tolerance and cooperation can be applied to sensitive but important topics like race, religion, and culture. These big-picture concepts


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