the French Bulldog as, “Well behaved, adaptable, and com- fortable companions with an affectionate nature and even dis- position; generally active, alert, and playful, but not unduly boisterous, being an adaptable and comfortable companion with an even disposition.” This underlines how easy it is to live with a French Bulldog. • Sociable: The French Bulldog gets along well with virtually everyone he comes across, be they human, canine, or feline. • Playful: Many breeds lose their playfulness as they grow old- er. Not so the French Bulldog, who will give you endless en- tertainment as he interacts with all members of his family, and as he goes about his daily life. • Intelligent: He may not be a star performer in canine sports, but there is no doubting the French Bulldog’s mental apti- tude. He is a thinking dog who can show great sensitivity.
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