others had rose ears, which is the ear type seen on English Bulldogs. WealthyAmericans traveling in France fell in love with these little Bulldogs and began bringing them home. The Americans preferred the bat ears, and the French (and British) preferred the rose ears. The great ear controversy Agroup of American society women and dog fanciers first exhib- ited Frenchies in 1896 at the Westminster Kennel Club show in New York. Bat-eared and rose-eared dogs were shown together, but the English judge—clearly showing the preferences of his homeland— handed out ribbons only to the rose-eared dogs. This infuriated the American fanciers, who favored the distinc- tive look of the bat ear. Very soon after, in 1897, they founded the French Bull Dog Club of America, the very first breed club anywhere in the world to be dedicated to the French Bulldog. They also drew up a breed standard that allowed only the bat ear. At the 1898 Westminster Kennel Club show, the Americans were outraged to find that both bat-eared and rose-eared dogs were to be
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