joring, which will give him the perfect outlet for his considerable energy. It is also important to bear in mind that a dog with a high drive and a strong prey instinct will regard all small animals as fair game, and that includes the family cat, rabbit, and guinea pig. With hard work and training, a Husky can learn to live with a cat, but he can never be entirely trusted. He may come to understand that the fami- ly cat is off limits, but he will not show the same restraint with your neighbors’ cats, which could cause major problems. And finally, that dense, warm coat is a plus and a minus. It sheds a lot . And if you live in a climate where it is warm year round, your Husky will not do well. Even in a place where the seasons change, he will enjoy the summer less than the winter. On the plus side, the Siberian Husky was bred to work in a team, and he is generally friendly and sociable with other dogs. The Husky is a highly intelligent working dog and he needs to use his brain. If he is bored or frustrated he will quickly make up is own agenda—and you will not be impressed. A Husky will resort to barking, howling, and destructive behavior—and he will make your life a misery. However, with the mental stimulation that comes from
training and taking part in an organized activity, a Husky will realize his poten- tial as a first-rate companion dog. Husky History The Siberian Husky has a histo- ry that stretches back thousands of years, when the Chukchi peo- ple of what is today northern Si- beria developed a dog who could be both helper and companion. DNA tests have revealed that the Husky is one of
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