“Hold the ball with your index finger and thumb going with the horseshoe. Grip is somewhat personal. If you can get correct spin with a different grip, then use it. Whichever grip you choose, make sure it results in four seam rotation.”
Warm-Up As important as it is to put fuel in the tank, it is equally as important to oil the parts. A warm engine runs more smoothly, and the same goes for the body. A traditional baseball or softball warm-up involves static stretches and short sprints to help get the body ready for the movements
– Cat Osterman, 2004 USA Softball Olympic gold medalist
it will be undergoing in the game. This stretching is done ahead of fielding, throwing, and BP.
Pros discuss pregame hitting drills.
Players will then usually do some final warm-up exercises, such as arm circles, to get ready for the action to come. Experts recommend taking the traditional warm-up another step further by incorporating some
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