Eat Breakfast In all your pre-event planning, an important step is to make sure you leave yourself enough time to eat a healthy breakfast. Feeling nervous or not feeling hungry are excuses that need to be overcome, so you can fuel your body properly for the competition. If you need to force yourself to eat, then that is what you should do. Be in charge of your own nutrition rather than letting your hunger dictate when, and sometimes what, you eat. Snack bars and concession

“The back girl is always counting. The back person in a stunt should control the stunt. Make sure you have a nice deep pocket on a thigh stand. The backspot also catches the waist as it comes down.”

stands are not renowned for their healthy food options. So be sure to eat well in the morning and put your body in the best possible position to perform well. Breakfast on competition day should include a balance of carbohydrates and protein, such as Greek yogurt, fruit, and peanut butter on toast with low-fat milk for a morning competition. If you are competing in the afternoon, make your breakfast a little heartier by adding two eggs or two turkey sausage links.

– Brandy Corcoran, NCAA Division II and NAIA national champion coach

Greek yogurt with fruit provides a good balance of protein and carbs for cheerleaders on competition mornings.

If the competition is in the evening, then you should eat the hearty breakfast and add another serving of carbohydrates,


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