The Reader
My Family
My mum is an only child like me. My Nan and Pop [grandparents] live very close to me in Wollongong and helped bring me up when I was younger. My Nan is from a large family of three brothers and two sisters and most of the extended family also live in Wollongong and surrounding suburbs. We try and all get together a few times during the year but always spend Christmas night together. There are about 30 of the extended family and we have lots of fun and laughs together and all get on very well. We are a nice family. My dad was born in Dunedin, which is in the South Island of New Zealand. Dad is one of five children and is the only one from his family that lives in Australia. His family has been to visit several times and we have also been to New Zealand for visits. I wouldn’t say I have a strong bond with my New Zealand family, but I do have a connection with them and we get along well when we see each other. I believe family is a big part of my life. They all have done things for me that make me the person I am at 16. My mum, dad, Nan, and Pop have played a big role in my life. They are always there for me through the good and bad times. Although I mightn’t see my extended family a lot I know that they are all close to me and will always be there for me. They are people I can reach out to for anything.
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