China: An Introduction

M any people believe that the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China, are themost spectacular that have ever been staged. Because the Chinese believe the number 8 is connected with prosperity and good fortune, the spectacle began precisely at 8:00 pm on the 8th of August (the 8thmonth) with the pulsating rhythms of 2008 fou drums. Theseare large, square, ornatelydecoratedpercussion instruments. The organizers wanted to highlight the many accomplishments of one of the world’s oldest and most important civilizations. Four of those accomplishments received special attention during the evening. Many people call themthe FourGreat Inventions because of their huge influence on the development of civilization around theworld. They are gunpowder, the compass, paper, and the printing press. All originated in China and eventually spread around the globe.

Words to Understand arable land  land suitable for cultivation and the growing of crops dynasties  series of rulers connected by family ties

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