The Reader
My Family I love my family very much. What I like mostly about them is their hyper-activity. No matter the odds, they still find a way to make their dreams a success. In my whole family I would say I am the weak one, mostly when it comes to hard situations, I’m the one who mostly considers quitting. My family inspires me very much, no matter the situation I face, but when I think of them I just get motivated to move on and defeat that curse. As strong as my family is, it is not as strong as when we are all together. When I am with my extended family, my life is full of gold, the happiness I have when I am with them is irreplaceable. There is no time when I feel as happy as when I am with them. My family as a whole is very big and close as well. There is no way which would ever break it apart as every matter we face, we adjoin together and fight it. Most times, we meet at my hometown Limpopo (see page 30). That is where we assemble together and celebrate. My family is a family of love, and although there may be days when we tend to disagree with one another, we always stand together. When I was growing up, I never thought that family was an important thing but the more I got to grow up, I realized that I’m nothing without my family. I faced many hard situations in my life and come to think of it, I got to realize that every situation I was in, my family was always behind me. As they say that “friends bring fun and family bring boredom but in dark days friends depart but family [stick together].” That is a true statement that I would never forget in my whole life, as it is something that I actually faced. My family was always behind me, even though sometimes I didn’t want them near me, they were always there and they helped me overcome every fear I ever faced.
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