Marine Mammals

Orcas typically move in groups called pods. This not only creates a community for raising young, but also they can work together in hunting behaviors.

small ice floe and smack into it, sending a resting seal into the water. There, other whales in the pack can chase and eat it. The first whale probably won’t get any, but he’ll get his turn. When attacking amuch larger humpback or bluewhale, the killerwhales act as a pack, attacking until the prey is subdued enough for all to feed. Video of individual killer whales pursuing seals onto rocky beaches demonstrates these predators will to do anything to catch their prey. In theAntarctic, biologists have named three major types of orcas based on their feeding behavior. “A” orcas focus on minke (MINN-kee) whales; “B” orcas on seals; and “C” orcas on toothfish and other fish.

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