Johan Ernst Nilson followed in the footsteps of a century-plus of adventurers who braved the elements of the North and South Poles.
Pole in the Arctic. He rode a bike throughCanada and theUnitedStates. Healsousedkite-ski,sled,andsailboat as he navigated into South America, crossed the equator, and reached the South Pole inAntarctica. It wasn’t all smooth sailing…or sledding. Johan fought through tropical hurricanes.He cracked his ribs.He suffered frostbite. And, of course, he fell into the icy waters of the Arctic. Although there was nothing funny about falling into the ice at the time, he can laugh about it now. “When it’s minus-twenty de-
grees outside, it takes two days just to warm up!” Yes, it does get to –20°F in the Arctic—and colder. Read on to learn just how much colder…and to learn other facts andfigures about theArctic and the Antarctic, as well as the sto- ries of Johan and other adventurers past and present who explore the polar regions.We hope this book gives you an overview of theArctic and the Antarctic that will inspire you to read more in the exciting series Exploring the Polar Regions Today .
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