The animals that live in theArctic have evolvedwithspecificways todeal with the Arctic climate. Some thrive in the ice and sea closest to the North Pole.Othersdependon themore fertile tundra,the openplains southof the ice where grasses and other plants grow. Historically, the Arctic environ- ment was too severe to support many people.But as theworldbecomesmore industrialized and populated, human activity is increasing in theArctic.Big
companies and national governments are pushing in. They hope to cash in on the area’s natural resources, from huge stocks of fish to vast reserves of underground oil. It puts a lot of pressure on this delicate environment. Global warming is also taking a toll, melting the ice caps at a record pace. Although the Arctic has a wealth of wildlife—if you knowwhere to look— these animals face major challenges in the coming decades.
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