well-being of local com- munities and animal pop- ulations. Oil spills—such as the Deepwater Hori- zon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010—are a constant threat. Because the Arctic Ocean is so icy and remote, oil could get trapped beneath the sur- face andmake a leak very difficult to seal.Add to this the trash andwaste prod- ucts left behind, and it is clear to see that explora- tion and drilling impact the health of the Arctic in many different ways.
Will drilling rigs like this one someday dot the ice- shrouded waters of the Arctic?
On a broader scale, continued drilling for fossil fuels in places like theArctic only reinforces our dependence on them.This contributes to the long-term effects of climate change.At the same time, the transfer from fossil fuels to alternative energy will not happen overnight.As we chart out our collective energy future, the Arctic remains a contested area. Even if we find ourselves far away from it geographically, the decisions made there will impact all of us.
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