Chapter 1 Introducing the Bulldog T he Bulldog may be the ugly mug of the dog world, but there is probably no other breed that has such a devoted fan club. He has evolved from his days as a fearless bull baiter to be- come the most loyal and affectionate of companions. There are many different variations on the type of dog known as a Bulldog or a Bully breed. The breed described in this book is also called the English Bulldog or the British Bulldog. Physical characteristics There is no mistaking the Bulldog for any other breed. He is tru- ly unique and it is a case of once seen, never forgotten. Strong and muscular, the Bulldog is short, broad, powerful, and compact. His back rises from the shoulders and then curves down toward a short tail that may be straight or screwed. The Bulldog moves with a char- acteristic, rolling gait—another breed specialty.
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