Germany), there are three sizes: stan- dard, miniature, and rabbit. Each size comes in three coat types—smooth, longhaired, or wire- haired—and each variety has its ardent enthusiasts. The smooths look sleek and elegant, the long- hairs give a softer and sweeter im- pression, and the wirehairs, with their bristling eyebrows and beard, look a bit like Civil War generals. The three coat types and two sizes works out to six varieties. But there are even more
choices. There are solid colors, combinations of two colors (solid colors with tan or cream markings), dapples (a merle pattern), brin- dles (a striped pattern), and sables (red with a dark overlay). Scenthounds The Dachshund is a member of the Hound Group in the Amer- ican Kennel Club (AKC), and is classified as a Scenthound in the United Kennel Club (UKC). Both relate to his hunting ancestry. The Dachshund, along with breeds such as the Basset Hound, the Bloodhound, and the Beagle, hunt by following a scent trail. (Sight- hounds, such as Greyhounds, Afghan Hounds, and Salukis, hunt by running down quarry they can see.) Temperament The Dachshund has a wonderful temperament; it combines many different facets, but they all add up to make a great compan- ion dog. The breed standard, which describes the “perfect” Dachshund, gives an excellent account of his character. There are different ver-
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