The German Shepherd is capable of great loyalty and devotion. He is alert and responsive to training, which he will need whether it is formal obedience or just for good manners. He is a fun dog who can show pure joy just messing around with his family. His lively enthusiasm requires guidance, not inhibiting, so as a prospective owner, you need to be calm, firm but fair, un- derstanding, and consistent in your interac- tions with him. He will get along well
with children as long as he is well socialized with sensible young- sters. He will give you compan- ionship, affection, and a sense of security, as well as encourag- ing you to get plenty of exercise. German Shepherds are slow to mature, especially mentally, so puppy mischievousness may remain into adulthood. Your dog will need plenty of mental stimulation to keep his active mind from finding its own en-
German Shepherds 101
tertainment. This may include chewing the furniture, digging up the garden or barking—he can be very creative when trying to re- lieve his boredom. German Shepherds are very motivated by movement, which is why toys and balls can be useful training aids, but this character- istic can become a problem. Moving objects, such as other dogs, joggers, or cars, may attract his attention and he could be tempted to chase. This is why early training is very important. This is a breed that can be very demanding of your time and
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