Chapter 1 Introducing the Poodle G lamorous, vivacious, clever, and mischievous, the Poodle is a breed with personality plus! Even better, he comes in three sizes—Standard, Miniature, and Toy—so you can pick the perfect Poodle for you. The Poodle is one of the most adaptable of all dog breeds in terms of his willingness to cooperate with his human family and his phys- ical characteristics. If you want a large, active dog, the Standard is the variety for you. The Miniature will fit into any home, but he is a bundle of energy and will prefer owners that have some get up and go. The Toy is a charming lapdog, but do not be deceived by his tiny stature—he is a real dog and needs to be treated like one. The Poodle’s tightly curled, non-shedding coat is an outstanding feature of the breed. This is a coat that keeps on growing, so regular trips to the groomer are a must. In between trims, though, the coat is very easy to care for.
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