blasphemy— disrespectful talk about God or sacred things. disciple— someone who followed Jesus during his life. A follower or pupil of a teacher. Gospel— meaning ‘Good news’. One of the four books in the Bible that tell us about Jesus’s life. Messiah— the long awaited Anointed One of God who would right all wrongs and bring about the Kingdom, or rule, of God on Earth. miracle— an extraordinary and welcome event that cannot be explained by the laws of nature or science. parables— stories with levels of meanings used to make a point. A lot of Jesus’s teaching took the form of parables. resurrection— Jesus’s rising from the dead. sin— going against God’s wishes. Something separating a person from God. soul— the spiritual part of a person. testament— another word for “promise.” The Bible consists of the Old Testament (the laws of Moses and the witness of the Jewish prophets) and the New Testament (the witness of Jesus’s life and times). Words to Understand in This Chapter
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