blasphemy , punishable by death, because only God could forgive sins. Jesus did not heal people only out of compassion or pity. He may have cured only a small percentage of sick or disabled people living around him. Jesus healed to speak about himself and the power of God. People had to understand who and
Educational Video
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what Jesus was. Jesus healed blind people and deaf people as a sign that those who listened to him would see and hear what he taught. “Look,” “listen,” and “understand” are important words in the Gospel stories of Jesus. A Saving Message The Jewish religious authorities did not approve of Jesus’s teachings. He was seen as a threat to the community, and was sentenced to death. Christians believe that three days after he was crucified, Jesus rose from the dead and is alive today. This makes the life of Jesus very special. For Christians, the most special events of Jesus’s life were his birth, death and resurrection . They believe that God sent his only son, Jesus, to share in what it means to be a human being. Jesus was so obedient to God’s wishes that he was prepared to die an agonizing death. Because he did what God asked he rose from the dead and others who followed him would also live forever with God in heaven.
What Do Christians Believe?
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