M arch 2015, an 18-month-old girl, Lily Groesbeck, was dramatically rescued from a car wreck. Her mother had lost control of the car and crashed into the icy Spanish Fork River in Salt Lake City, UT. Somehow, the toddler survived 14 hours in an overturned Dodge sedan that was partially submerged in the cold waters. When four police officers arrived at the scene, they heard an adult female voice calling, “Help me, help me.”When they got into the car, they were sur- prised to find that the 25-year-old mother was long dead—yet they had all distinctly heard a voice crying for help. Although little Lily was unconscious and suffering from hypothermia , she was alive and made a full recovery in the hospital. Who then called out? Video footage even captures a muffled voice. Was the voice her mother communicating after death? One officer said it had to be the voice of a heavenly guardian . Are such beings real or can they be explained as some mysterious side of our consciousness that helps us in times of need or crisis? Angels are spiritual beings.The name angel comes from Greek for “messenger.” Angels are often thought to be messengers or agents of God who may be sent to Earth to guide or comfort people during a troubling time.They are paraphysical entities—having some sort of physical presence but also having a nonphysical dimension. According to the Bible, angels are “ministering spirits” (Hebrews



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