F oreword …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…… 6 I ntroduction to L ife A fter D eath …….…….…….…….… 8 1 S ynesthesia …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…… 10 2 A bsolute P itch …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….……. 18 3 P hotographic M emory …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…… 24 4 F irewalking …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….……. 32 5 A phrodisiacs …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…… 38 S eries G lossary …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….……. 44 F urther R esources …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…… 47 A bout the A uthor …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…… 47 I ndex …….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….……. 48 C ontents
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