With its contempt for the idea of debate or disagreement and for the legal niceties of the electoral process, fascism was a political system that was the exact opposite of democra- cy. Yet, along with other fascist strongmen—most famously Benito Mussolini in Italy— Hitler did seem to be speaking for the “little guy” in the street. Hence the huge tide of popular support, which bore Germany and Italy along as they set out to bring the whole of Europe under their control. On the other side of the world, meanwhile, military rulers in Japan were determined to extend their country’s rule throughout the Pacific region— their alliance with fascist Europe was the original “axis of evil.” As Hitler’s henchmen set in motion
On October 25, 1936, an alliance was declared between Italy and Germany. Here, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini (left) shows his support for German dictator Adolf Hitler (right) during his regime.
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