T o become a hostage is a terrifying experience. One moment you are leading an ordinary life, uninterrupted by dramatic events; the next, you are the prisoner of a desperado who is using you to make demands. And if these demands are not met, you may be killed. Suddenly, your life has changed, and you have no control over it. All you can do is wait and pray. Now your life is in the hands of two groups of people: those who have taken you hostage and those who are trying to free you. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has its own Hostage Rescue Team (HRT), whose members have been specially trained to free hostages unharmed.
The HRT was established in 1983 by Danny O. Coulson, an FBI operative who had spent over 30 years dealing with terrorists , assassins, and other criminals. The FBI had scored great suc- cesses against criminals, but in cases where hostages had been involved, too many of them had died. It was time, Coulson believed, to form a special organization dedicated to saving the lives of hostages.
The FBI Hostage Rescue Team.
Hostage taking is not a new development. The difference is that today it is much more violent and dangerous than it used to be; this is chiefly because of the modern guns, bombs, and other weapons that can be used in terrorist and hostage situations.
Words to Understand Conquistador: A leader in the Spanish conquests of America, Mexico, and Peru in the 16th century.
Ransom: Money paid for the release of someone kidnapped or captured. Terrorist: Using violent acts to frighten people to achieve a political goal.
R escuing H ostages : T he FBI
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