Fear and Health
Symptoms of Medical Fears There is nothing wrong with feeling a little bit nervous about
doctors and dentists. But some people are a lot more than a little nervous. Here are some signs that medical fears might be bigger than average and that you might need help to overcome them: • You make up excuses why you can’t go to the appointment. • You have trouble sleeping the night (or even nights) before the appointment. • You want to cry if you even think about the appointment. • You feel intensely nervous or stressed out the day of the appointment. • You feel upset or sick at the sight of health-care providers or equipment. • You panic before or during procedures.
room and you have to take your clothes off and put on one of those gowns that never fit quite right. Lots of people don’t like feeling exposed in this way. Then, the doctor usually has to touch you— sometimes in intimate places—and that can be very upsetting for some people. Meanwhile, at the dentist’s office, you don’t have to get undressed, but you have someone sitting extremely close to you and putting his or her hands in your mouth. This makes some people uncomfortable. Fear of Procedures and Tests. Another common fear many people have is of whatever might happen
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