ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE DEFINED Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. It moves toward creating machines that are “intelligent”—that can think for themselves, communicate, and act in some of the same ways as humans. Truly intelligent machines that think as independently and broadly as humans do not yet exist, but scientists are busy working to develop this new generation of computers with a great deal of money invested in the research. In this book, we will look at progress in AI research and consider some of the questions this new technology raises. There are many complex issues about how far AI technology should go and whether the benefits will outweigh the possible problems. The more people are informed on these topics, the better society can navigate a world with emerging AI in the future. This book will not prescribe how you should think about AI. Instead, it will provide historical, technical, and social background on the field and bring to light different views and future implications. Then you can form your own opinions and discuss the issues from an informed perspective, engaging the topic of AI in a meaningful way. CONCEPTS OF INTELLIGENCE In order to make sense of AI, we need to understand what intelligence is. Exams often test knowledge and memory rather than intelligence. A computer could be programmed to do well on exams, but would that make it intelligent? While there are many variations on the definition of intelligence, common components include the following: • Learning new concepts from different sources, including experiences • Understanding and applying information to manipulate one’s environment • Solving problems in new or trying situations • Anticipating the consequences of events and actions Other factors may include consciousness, awareness of other people, and a sense of morality. So how can we create all this in a computer, and what has been done thus far?


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