• However, you need to be aware that appropriate accommodation may not be cheap, and costs of feed and veterinary fees must be factored into your decision to keep ferrets. You may want to take out insurance to cover veterinary fees. • Ferrets can be kept outside all year in temperate climates. The outside accommodation should comprise an enclosed hutch/cage area and a permanently attached run. The hutch must be kept warm and draft free, and must be sheltered from rain, the prevailing wind, and direct sunlight. Such outdoor ferret accommodation is often called a Ferret Court. • Ferrets are frequently kept as house pets. They can live indoors, in a suitably sized cage with perma- nently attached exercise area. All ferrets must have the opportunity to exercise every day. However, ferrets can be destructive and rather smelly, so they are not the right type of pet for everyone. One word of warning. Ferrets can overheat easily and must be able to rest in cool places and have shade in the summer. They are most active around dawn and dusk, and may sleep for up to 20 hours a day, often very deeply.
Opposite: If handled gently, ferrets can be friendly pets.
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