The Death Penalty

W hether ethical or not, the death penalty is legal punishment in countries all over the world. CHINA sentences more people to death than any other country. Here people are executed for crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, bomb throwing, arson, and sabotage. In 2014, it is believed that at least 3,000 people were executed, though the actual fig- ure may be much higher. IRAN had the second highest number of executions in 2014, with at least 289 people put to death. The death penalty is pop- ular in this country, and some news articles have claimed that death sentences are imposed because judges are influenced by the opinion of the public. SAUDI ARABIA accounted for 90 or more executions in 2014, third most in the world. Capital punishment is administered by beheading or stoning for crimes such as murder, terrorism, bur- glary, and adultery.

The family of Bobby Grant Lambert issued a statement afterwards saying that they were sorry for Graham’s family, but they felt that justice had been done. What Is Capital Punishment? Capital punishment is the killing of a person as a punishment


Capital Punishment

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