masculine by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). She was forced to withdraw form international competition until she was cleared by the IAAF in July 2010, when she was able to participate once again.
Gender Socialization Socialization is the process of learning and internalizing the cultural norms, values and beliefs of one’s own society, so that individuals become functioning members of that society. More specifically, gender socialization is the lifelong process of learning to be masculine and feminine. The gender socialization process takes place primarily through families, schools, peers, and the media. Families are the first and primary source of socialization. After birth, gender socialization takes place through the choice of feminine or masculine clothes, room decorations, toys, and even bedtime stories. Also very important is the role played by others in the family (siblings, extended family, and also caregivers) who interact with the child. All family members teach the child about gender norms through expectations and everyday interactions. For example, a baby girl may be treated very gently, while a baby boy may not be. Likewise, a young boy might be reprimanded for crying when hurt, whereas a girl would not. Gender socialization pervades all aspects of family life. It can be seen in everyday chores that are given to either boys or girls (boys mow the lawn, for example, while girls wash the dishes), in what activities are encouraged or forbidden, and in what color or style clothes they are allowed to wear. All through childhood, children are internalizing the gender expectations of others around them, and later those of the larger society. Schools are a space outside the family for gender socialization. Girls and boys frequently play in same-sex groups and often have gender-stereotyped games (playing with dolls versus playing with trucks). Also, research shows that teachers, both male and female, interact differently with students according to their gender. Girls tend to outperform boys in elementary grades, but their academic achievements don’t get as much
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